Saturday, July 30, 2022

And it goes on... but I watered

 Definite gopher activity in the fence bed so far no signs in the other ones. I didn't get out there until about noon so things were a bit wilty so watering was done. It's windy but it's a warm wind so no help there, won't cool down until the sun is  behind the building to the west.

The holes were filled in and dirt was pushed around. You can also see how dry the soil is that was not covered. The mulch dries out quickly and if there's only an inch that's about two days of no watering. Two inches does a lot better if there's room vertically to put it.. 

Even the bucket pepper needed a splash of water. I really did a thorough job of watering though, about a minute in each bed and got down close to get the water stirring up the bark. The right picture is after I watered the fence bed with the gopher activity. I almost pulled out the bag of mulch to add to the other beds then decided against it due to heat and had to run to the store for dinner supplies.

I got the August newsletter for the nursery and they're prepping for fall bulbs which includes some of my favorite ones, Bearded Iris. I don't dare plant any bulbs in the beds, entirely out of the question unless it's garlic, onion or lilies (daffodils as well). We don't get cold enough to put things like Tulips or Hyacinth in the ground sadly. I love flowers. I also love producing my own vegetables and eating them. I pondered in the early morning about planting a tomato or two and the list of three things came up as to why I haven't. Spider mites on the other bush, gophers and ...gophers. Yes, they count twice, but honestly the third reason is I would have to buy a plant this late in the season and the gopher bed..I mean fence bed is the only place far enough away from the other plant so it hopefully wouldn't get mites. The wind blows from the entrance to the back of the garden so still not trusting it. Have to wait until she rips out that plant..which may not be for a while.

Onions and garlic are going to be the next crops for sure.

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