Sunday, July 31, 2022

Got out a little earlier today

 It's only going to be in the mid to high 80's but humidity is up so we are closed up with a.c. already. Did a quick check on everything in the garden, walked Rocky so he could check for lizards and staying inside as much as possible today.

Another hole in that bed. I'm hoping that they are staying there because it's safe and undisturbed. The cucmbers I am exceedingly proud of so far but am dismayed by the leafminers.

That's an older leaf but even the newer ones have it. Again, I don't have the money at this point to get the spray that will possibly help. The product that really does help, is expensive and is systemic but dosed for vegetables, and again, if this were a home I owned I would have the full arsenal of things needed.

A little nibbling going on with the beans but they are also doing fantastic. I am so glad I found that free mulch!

See the white center of those sunflowers? That is a flower bud forming! The biggest one..... no flowers, might just pull it up because it's only going to be leaves. I could wait and see if any side shoots develop but honestly, it's not a fruit just something decorative that survived.

So rather very much disappointed whatever happened to that. I keep trying to look at the center and try to figure out whether it was eaten or snapped off but given what it's supposed to look like, I am hedging to eaten.
One more beauty shot at that cucumber. Realizing that it had tendrils, and even though it's a bush and won't grow very big, I put a pole in next to it to try and accelerate the growth. It worked with the peas, why not? It's definitely stretching out at the top so hedging my bets and giving it some support.

That's it for today, didn't need to water because, I've got mulch!

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