Friday, July 29, 2022

Another day, no water needed.

 Yep, day two of not needing to water. I still go down to check on things...because... gophers. Weather is hot, windy and high clouds which helps with the soil moisture sticking around. Only getting up to low 80's today with some spitting sprinkles earlier. As so many have voiced in song and prose, I wish it would rain.

Soil is still damp under the mulch and in some spots the mulch was a bit thin so I added more by the sunflowers. Then, I saw the holes. Gopher tunnels do not run in perfect straight lines and this is evidence of that. So many foul words seeing that and if I had plants there it would be many more words. I need to figure out something to put in the tunnels and holes to keep them away. No, I don't have mothballs and wouldn't put them in the ground where I might plant something anyway. Not going to get a trap, any deterrents are also not good for putting in a vegetable bed, other than blood meal. Might invest in some of that.

I decided to dig around where the larger cavern was and discovered...yes indeed it was connected and had been blocked then continued under the barrier. I saw the main maintenance guy and told him about the issues and all he said was 'yeah I think they got one out in front the other day'.'re so, not helpful.

Cukes are doing great and so are the beans, so far. Wish I had planted the front bean a little more forward and to the right but oh well. The larger cucumber has developed a tendril!

It also has leafminer but that's not an issue, nothing to be done about that. I think some flower stems might be developing as well further down. Still very interesting that the right one is almost stunted compared to the other. This one is double the size and they should be about the same size.

 I noticed the bucket pepper soil was dry so threw some mulch in there and watered it. Hope it doesn't drown but I can guarantee I won't need to water that for a long while.

Dug up some purslane and tossed it to the back, which is how I discovered that hole. I didn't probe to find out where it went but it is very much likely the cause of losing my other plants there. So tired of this battle, the plant with the most peppers developing is doing great and hope the peppers get to full size, they're about half size right now and can only hope the plant lasts long enough for them to continue growing.

I will probably water either tonight or tomorrow because the soil may be damp but a few places the mulch is thin enough that it's not insulating enough. That picture reminds me I still need to move that chair and the sprayer I don't use and maybe dump the mulch in the other two buckets and see what's left and what to do with it. Feel a bit guilty about leaving the bag in the closet because that is an electrical closet not storage. 

Anyway, yay for mulch day two!

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