Saturday, July 23, 2022

Another late night post.

 Much stuff to do today so got out and quickly watered. Everything was kind of wilty but it was close to 11 am so full on sun at that point. The bucket didn't need water but everything else I gave a good sprinkle. Something odd about the sunflower in the corner though.

It appears that something came along and just bit off the entire center of the plant. I was in a hurry so couldn't do any good forensics on it but for all it looks like something just came along and nipped itout. No other damage anywhere. The other picture is the next biggest one to show the difference. I swear...if it's not rodents it's insects.

Another reference photo from a few days ago. Yep something just nipped it out neat as scissors. That means no flowers for that plant. They only put out flowers at the center so if something ate that center it's just going to be leaves. Need to check the pepper with all the damage as well as the other peppers for large green caterpillar.

 Everything else is looking good, ::knock on wood:: cucumbers are holding up, still chugging along, nozzle for size comparison. Can I just have a few successes this year? Please? The peppers are barely there and if the two on that one bush get to full size I'll be happy but the cucumbers with all they  went through... 

I was scrolling through free stuff on Nextdoor and saw someone had posted 'free mulch' it was quite a big pile and was posted yesterday so I messaged the person and asked if there was any left, I only need two garbage bags of mulch for my teeny garden. 

So that's basically it for today, I hold my breath every time I go to the garden wondering what I'm going to be missing next. It shouldn't be like should be 'what is growing good today?'.

Dry dusty dirt... struggling plants.

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