Sunday, July 24, 2022

So, weekend is done and may have some mulch.

It was a fun and glorious weekend where we spent a lot of time rubbing elbows and backs and such with other people so not a lot of plant stuff involved. I did get to the garden this morning and when we got home I watered lightly and discovered another gopher hole near the log pile. Color me not surprised.

There seems to be a small side sprout coming out from the top of the sunflower so maybe I was wrong about it being eaten and done for. I am just not knowing my stuff anymore and guessing left and right these days. The peppers are sill holding up but at this point, as I said, not trusting they'll get to full size on that small plant. There's a lot of flowers at the top as well that are going to make for some nice peppers I suspect.

Comparison shot from pulling the purslane up that was starting to crowd the two sunflowers and also pulled a couple of the grass clumps as well. Root competition and seed invasion not good. You can also see the difference in soil color as it was still damp due to having cloud cover overnight and into the morning. Hence why I put off watering until evening.

This is one hole I noticed this morning over by the pile, it wasn't there the day before and no dirt around it so not really sure what the heck is going on. I check the uncultivated areas just for this reason and if I ever find a way of driving a flat large piece of metal into the ground to frame the beds I will let you know.











 This is the hole I discovered this evening when I went to water. I blasted it with the hose from a distance since the ground slopes off to the right away from the building it left a small river trail.  Oh to have a trail cam set up. Grrumble.

The beans continue to sprout, I uncovered them and slid them back into the bag so they could green up and will be getting a small bag of potting soil to plant them in. Something. Not that I'm instantly rich but I have a little room in the budget for that.

Now on to the mulch. I am on the 'neighborhood app' Nextdoor and saw that someone had posted they had mulch for free. I messaged as it was a day after he posted and said if there's some left all I need is a few garbage bags full. Not sure what kind of mulch and forgot to ask after he got back to me today. I told him I would 'check my schedule' and let him know when I'm free to come get some. Free mulch. I'm so thrilled I could laugh. I will likely fill up three bags as the kitchen bags I have is big enough for covering one bed a piece. If there's any left over I'll see about storing it in the electrical closet. 

Free mulch! Might even try and spread some on the path a bit, but can only take a few bags at a time in my car. If there's any extra can't leave the bags out in the weather, the sun will degrade the plastic in no time.  Will figure it out and hope for a good plan.


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