Friday, July 22, 2022

Yes, I did water just now posting

 Because we were a bit rushed this morning I watered, took pictures then we booked out to the far everything is still there and doing good. I'm still biting my nails with the cucumbers, they could disappear any day now.











 Once again can't get a good picture of the two peppers so I had to circle them in the photo, ya know like ya do.

Should go out and check on everything tonight, oh and just check on the beans as well. Showing green stems, and I tossed the two that haven't done anything, four is plenty. I need some light potting soil and some small pots to put them in until they're big enough to plant out. So guess that's not happening right now. It's not that I'm a failure and it's difficult, it's because of the conditions they have in the ground. Could likely grow them under shade out there but want to get them big enough to survive.

So that's all for the garden stuff today. Sunflowers may have come up first but they are slow to flower for gosh sake! Oh saw a Gopher removal truck when we were doing Starbucks this morning... thought of getting their information for the complex briefly.

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