Sunday, October 16, 2022

It rained enough I suppose

 The ground was relatively wet when I checked on the garden so it must have rained a bit more after dark. Loving this weather though, not too hot, not too cold so it's 'sweater weather' to a point. Then it goes back to being heinous in a few days but not for long.

Definitely dark dirt. The dark stripe behind the bucket is the loose dirt from the gopher being right under the drip line for the roof. The other bed is definitely moist enough to actually plant but instead I just dug my trowel in an oval to see the consistency of the dirt. It was loose at the back left corner and some on that end but much harder on the right where they hadn't dug tunnels. If I had to do that bed for growing I would take half that dirt out, toss it in the corner and mix in planter mix. After putting down a layer of the chicken wire on the bottom and backside.

I knew I wouldn't have money left for getting soil and screen. I was hopeful but unless I went out immediately and bought it, it wasn't going to happen. I can't store things like that outside or in the apartment so would have had to chance putting it in the electrical closet. I still have time though and hoping for a miracle of some sort.

Going to look through my seeds and check expiration on the packets if they have it. Carrots, radishes and a few others from my friend are from this year? Even if they're from last year they should still be good being kept inside.  Hands are twitching to try and get going and plant stuff for winter.


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