Saturday, October 15, 2022

Rain! Not spitting either.

Nice little short shower that got the pavement wet is all. Good thing I got out to the garden beforehand even if there wasn't anything to do. Temps are going to climb gradually until peaking at 90 by mid next week then decline again. So at least I got the netting out and down before that and still have about 12 feet left for other needs.

 The peppers are still going, I counted ten fruit with three more coming on. Might give it another dose of food but don't need to water for sure given the cloudy weather this week. 


Two branches with three noticeable fruit and the third branch has four fruit. As long as it keeps going and the fruit keep growing I'm a happy camper. Lone survivor of the great Summer Rodent Invation.

Right now (just before dark) it is downright nippy outside with a breeze coming through the window that smells of wet pavement and trees. Definitely feeling that autumn weather creeping in, at least for the next few days.

It's fall y'all!!

As for planting things, still waiting on some extra money since my other money went to bills and groceries. But one stage is done at least and will see what happens the next few days of getting that frame up and half filled with logs. I actually have less area than the other two beds but still enough to do some good stuff like peas and lettuce. Have to find some cilantro seeds and hope the carrot and radish seeds are still good.

I can still plan and dream right?

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