Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Long day is done.

 The storm has passed so the skies were clear and I was able to get out to the garden and dump my kitchen scraps and check on things. I had about four and a half hours running errands and doing adult type stuff today so only got home about an hour ago. I was able to get out to the garden before venturing out so was able to get some pictures.










Cleared the top layer of logs off and rearranged the edging accordingly for the restart on the compost pile, then a single layer of leaves and the kitchen scraps. Will see how the gophers fare with this situation. The new soil in the bed was... still wet as expected but you can see how it's drier up in the corners and edges where the sun reflects off the white. 

If it stays this sort of weather I'll put out the last of my pea seeds and make the netting trellis for them to climb on. Maybe more lettuce in front of that and decide what radishes and carrots to put out with the onions. When things start growing is when I'll put the last of the mulch down that's still in the bucket. Still need to move the aloe plant out of the way so I can reach the back of the bed easier from the side.

I'm still just tickled at seeing rich black soil like that and I get to plant in it! It's in full sun just about all year round so it's going to be the hot spot for things like tomatoes, peppers and beans in the summer. Need to smooth it out a bit more, need a shorter straight stick or board to do that but for the most part, it's ready to plant. Yay! When it needs watering I'll remember to use a lighter spray or that soil will go flying all over. That's what mulch is for but won't need that for another month.

I am very excited about this. I keep picking up my seed packets and thinking, 'I should go plant these right now' and have to put them down again. Not yet....not just yet.


Two random pictures, the left is the aloes that are near the garden and as I was leaving, noticed they had flower spikes. Really early for them but will take pictures when they start flowering as well. The other is a random weed that was in a yard when I was picking up my grandkids today. The first name that came to mind was 'Henbit'....research says...dingdingding! That's correct! And I couldn't remember my EBT PIN today when checking out. Also known as 'Spotted Dead Nettle' it's just one of those interesting plants that come up in the spring here but you don't see them very often unless you go hiking in the canyons.
The hummer babies are filling the nest now and would have gotten a picture but my hands were full and was going somewhere but will hopefully get one tomorrow. 
Spring is springing in the gardens all over!

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