Wednesday, February 1, 2023

First seeds in the new bed!

 It's another clear and perfect day and since it was going to be similar weather for the next two weeks I started some seeds. No sign of rain for at least two weeks and partly cloudy weather here and there.

Compost was undisturbed from what I could see and the lettuce as well. Still no sign of the other seeds coming up but that's expected even for radishes since they're in the shade. And in the other bed, full blazing sun that has dried out the top half inch of soil and warmed it up (I had to take pictures in my shadow to see the packages. In the front row most of the way across are the Bunching Onions. In retrospect they should have been toward the back as they get taller but will sprout later than the cilantro.

Then a squarish planting of cilantro on the left. I was going to do a long row but then remembered they like to be a bit crowded it also gives me a bit more than just a long line.
At the back are the Little Marvel peas, when they come up I'll put the trellis up so I can position it better. I almost planted them really close to the back but then realized I needed room for the trellis.

Now this leaves me an almost 2x2 area left to plant guessed it... going to be a tomato plant or two. As warm as that bed is right now, it's still getting down into the 40's at night so still a bit too early for them. Oh, did I forget something? I forgot the fertilizer! The soil is healthy enough right now and as soon as they come up I'll sprinkle some around and water it in.

I watered lightly before I left and marked out the area not planted. A bit bigger than what I marked because things can get a little more cozy than that. I saw a disturbance in the soil in the north bed that exposed one of the potatoes. I covered everything and put the two branches on top. The soil is nice and soft for some cat that needs to do their thing. The shadow line is even closer to the front of the bed now and that trench is now in the sun more. C'mon spuds!

And the babies are getting so big! They completely fill the nest down and are poking their beaks out!

And yes that hair in the previous picture was in the nest, hope they don't get tangled in it. Seriously, it has happened with hair used for bedding gets knotted and tangled around a leg or wing and it's not good. That's why if you're going to put out nest supplies don't use long strands of hair, use cotton (not polyester fiber), if you want to use hair cut it into shorter lengths. They use spiderwebs and their own saliva as cement for the outer part of the nest. When they fledge out I'll take a picture of the flattened nest. I have a picture from years ago at the nursery of a completely demolished nest after the babies fledged out.  These little ones will have their feathers coming in really soon and even at this point there's no room for mamma to sit on them.

What's that you say? A white bird? Nope.... it's a plastic bag that got blown up there by the wind. Another piece of plastic was on the lawn where I was standing, one of those really flimsy bags like for putting veggies in at the store. 

That's also a really good picture of just how clear and blue the sky is right now. Barely a breeze, so it's considered 'calm' which is expected after the storm we had. Perfect weather for a walk in the park or doing gardening... still sweater weather for sure if you aren't out in the sun and being physically active.

 Just a really nice time of year right now and I'm loving it!

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