Friday, February 3, 2023

Another glorious day-no progress

 Weather started out a bit overcast and cold, thought it was going to stay that way but it is now mostly clear with hazy clouds in the distance. I dressed for cold and almost regretted it when I went out to the garden. Left the jacket inside luckily as it is now a comfortable sunny day.

 So the lettuce and garlic continues and the radishes and carrots....not so much. I have so many seeds I think I'm going to just put some of the carrots out in the raised bed where I haven't planted. Radishes are okay and fun to grow but I don't eat them that much, maybe I need to.

I brought the sprayer down with me because I knew I would need it. I watered for a good five minutes because after watering for two minutes I moved some of the soil away and sure enough, it was still dry underneath. And the saga begins with soaking everything thoroughly every day due to having seeds right now. As soon as the plants are tall enough the mulch will go on for sure for the summer.

 I discovered a video of a guy who is apparently known to self sustaining gardeners (new to me) he has almost half a dozen of the taller raised beds like mine. He has videos of going through the process of loading them like I did with branches and all that and has an absolutely burgeoning garden. Almost looks neglected with how much he's planted in each one. He was talking about the top four or five vegetables to plant in a garden, lettuce, beets and cabbage were three,  I can't remember the others and didn't finish watching the video. 

I don't eat beets, cabbage is another one that my only use for is coleslaw (and maybe corned beef) and of course lettuce is always an option. A good many of these popular gardeners have so many things planted you'd think they were feeding an entire town. I don't have that much room, nor appetite for many of the things they grow. Why grow something you won't eat and can't give away? Which reminds me I need to get some jalapeƱo seeds soon to go with the tomatoes when they go in. I bought the tomato last time but I have the Roma seeds this time, should be interesting. Wondering if I need to start them first, but then I don't have anything to start them in. Will figure it out.

Can barely see the little beaks sticking up because of the window behind them. I pointed them out to one of the neighbors and she was just as tickled as I am. I got more pictures of that rose bush and if not for walking with my grandboys back to the car I would have stopped and asked the owner about it who just happened to be going into his front door.

The yellow rose was in the front bed as well of that house and wasn't going to truly trespass to smell it or get a better picture. It's likely one of three different older yellow roses so not that important and I had to adjust the colors incredibly to show it better in the photo. 

I am so excited about being able to garden again. Last summer and the fall/winter were emotionally demoralizing in many ways and am hoping that it won't be as much so this year with the new bed. Whatever happens, happens in the ground so I'm not as anxious about that, I have plenty more potatoes to grow but as I said, not sure the potting soil is heavy enough for them. 'Well draining, rich, sandy soil' is all well and good and likely could make some with the dirt and some of that soil but would rather not do it in the raised bed and ruin that great purchased soil. 

Oh to have the room (and budget) for buying things for storage for when I need them. Speaking of that..need to remember the fertilizer in the electrical closet!

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