Monday, February 27, 2023

Another partially clear day

 Gorgeous day actually. We're due more rain later but for now, took advantage of the sunny weather and grabbed the fertilizer to the garden.

Fertilized all the plants, couldn't dig it in the raised bed but the coming rain will get it into the soil. Everything expectedly was wet still and I don't expect to need to water for several days.

Took pictures of the iris in full bloom because it was gorgeous and I will post them to an iris group to see about an ID. I would love to grow them but more than one color because... colors! The aloe is almost blooming, it opens all the flowers up the stalk first then opens them from bottom to top in progression. It's definitely a favorite of hummingbirds as long as they find it.

So I took a picture of the compost then started to stir it around and something wiggled. I thought, Oh! Worms! Then they wiggled a lot and moved around. Two lizards! I had no clue they would be in there so they are named Larry and Lucy for now. I now realize they are stuck in there because the sides of the bucket are slick and it's too far for them to jump. Not sure why they would get in there other than warmth and away from flooding in the log pile. Might make them a leafy compost home in the windowbox planter I'm not using at the moment. The most they can eat in there are the worms I included and maybe the occasional fruit fly. Hope I didn't hurt them too badly.

To say we had some drainage issues is correct, I was walking Rocky and saw this . The other day after it rained I noticed a huge puddle on the upper right, where someone usually parks. I don't know what brilliant person decided it was a great idea to just make a drainage channel through the lawn and down to where it joins with a channel next to the sidewalk. Honestly. I thought something had happened until I remembered the lake that had been there.

Okay, off to do some errands and be back home and settled before the clouds come back.

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