Friday, September 22, 2023

It's raining by gosh!

 So it started cloudy like a lot of other days then looking at the weather app and it says rain around noon. Oh really! I go to take Rocky out around 11 and it starts to rain. Rain enough that I wished I had a light jacket. Unfortunately, yesterday I walked a bit too much and my right knee is swollen and cranky. Well little Mr. Rocky decided not only to go the opposite direction off the leash but then went up another set of stairs. All this time it is starting to rain a bit harder.

Finally chased him back home and I thought well no gardening today. It lightened up a bit so I popped down to check on things anyway. Good thing I watered yesterday, right? And remember about the wind bringing a weather change? Spot on.

Last night, some remnants of leaves, didn't pick anymore but should have. Put the pepper on top of the little pot thing because... pillbugs. Watered everything because it was dry.

This morning.... still damp of course, along with the rain and the leaves left out on the soil are completely obliterated. Will be putting more out there for sure. Didn't get a picture but the cucumber is about ready to pick. I'm tempted to just pull it out after this one because I don't think the other ones I thought were pollinated are growing. Will see about checking this evening.
I suspect it will be dribbling off and on most of the afternoon but this is a good thing. I've got lettuces planted, the two onions, the green onions are already going but still so much to do. Peas, radishes and carrots still to go, another trip to the library for seeds is on the calendar sometime soon.

So not much else. Have to wait for the cucumbers to finish so I can refresh that bed, hopefully with another bag or two of soil, the lettuces are planted but not nearly as much as I can handle. Those can be packed a bit tighter than I am comfortable. That pepper I might have to make room for or find a bigger pot to put it in until next summer. I also have some other pepper seeds from jalapeƱos and two 'Hatch' chili peppers I need to use somehow. All the carrots and radishes need to go in and of course, more cilantro. Would be nice to find a sieve to get some really fine soil in the spot for the radishes.

Need to find that drawing I did of my planting plan.


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And.... rampaging mammals again.

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