Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Beautiful day warming up, not much else

 Clear blue skies, mild temps today and I can tell it's going to be much warmer by the weekend. Only supposed to be in the low 80's today so shorts it is for the next several days. 

Seriously that is the color of the sky, maybe a tad lighter blue toward the top but not a speck of clouds or moisture in the sky.

Picture from May of 2021 when I decided to try and do gardening since I had just lost my job.

Going to have to take a picture at the same time and angle next year for a better comparison. The jade has grown not only wider but taller in two years. The shade is not giving the best view of that corner for comparison but it is a huge difference from two years ago.


  Oopsie. I was trying to just pinch off the tip of the smaller onion and it just slid right out of the soil. Same thing with the second one so at this age they have very little grip on the  soil at all. Also the depth is rather dramatic given the amount of white stem on them. Have to remember to plant them shallower. I have very few of the green onion seeds left and same with the burgundy onions. We were even in the vicinity of the library yesterday but on a different errand. Didn't even consider going there for seeds. Will try again another day.

So they are getting a bit of sun in the morning and I  moved the lettuce trays into full sun again. I don't think they're sprouting any time soon. Oh well. Will try and remember to dump them out into the south bed and try again.

So I don't think those are going to be long peppers as Dolores was told or she remembered wrong. Small and starting black, might turn red but no bigger than 1/2 inch if that. Definitely a small hot pepper and will be interesting to see what they are like. Unless being in the shade is a factor the leaves are not blue green like a black cobra pepper, nor are the leaves tending to be purple even being in the sun. Flowers are white not purple and the fruit turn black when exposed to light. I brushed off some of the flower 'crown' that didn't fall off and it was green underneath then turned black in a day. Will have to just wait and see because with the main plant growing in the shade it can throw off what it would normally look like. Size of plant, coloring, everything. I have no use for tiny flaming hot peppers if my plant succeeds next year I'll likely use the peppers or the plant itself for bartering.

And a sad swallowtail butterfly carcass I saw on my way back upstairs. It was really mangled, missing a wing and most of the body. No webs evident so not sure of it's demise. Such is life.

The Cooper's Hawk is calling outside as it goes up to the top of their nesting tree. And so the cycle continues.

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