Thursday, October 5, 2023

I completely forgot to post yesterday

There was so little happening in the garden and more happening elsewhere I completely forgot to post yesterday. Oh well. I got some pictures of the evening check on things trying to get a matching reference shot from two years ago

Will have to do a side by side later but it's really a nice little corner arrangement now. Much tidier and cleaner than before thanks to the bark Dolores gave me that was just the perfect amount.

Watered everything well given the heat today, the second planting of the cilantro is taking its own sweet time compared to that first seeding. There's more than enough plants though even after thinning out. The chicken wire is doing the job keeping the cats out of both beds and as soon as the seedlings get tall enough I can just shift it, take it off entirely and hope the potato plant has grown up by then. Still have plenty of bark and wood pieces as well.

Stinking proud of that little strawberry just chugging along and will be perfect size for transplanting next year. The onions.... what can I say?  Hang in there little buddies, hope to have more planted soon to keep you company. 

I was able to get some more green onions from a food donation so I'll be using those in addition to the seeds. That south bed in full shade now isn't even good for the onions, as they got taller they weren't very strong and just flopped over. That will be the lettuce bed for sure, as soon as they get started growing. 

Along with the green onions I got these:

Five absolutely tiny potatoes for two people but they gave us two big bags of sweet potatoes that were past their prime. Those are going in my garden basket and will be seedling potatoes soon. Rediculous. All of those could fit in the palm of my hand without any problems. What did they expect us to do with those? It reminded me of the old Mickey Mouse/Donald Duck cartoon where they were slicing a pea really thin to share between them.

That's another topic for another blog.

 One last thing was during my evening garden check I finally found the little bugger that was putting holes in the zinnias. Black cutworm that I pulled off carefully then chucked over the wall. Seriously large holes in the leaves of both plants from that pest. Oh! I didn't take a picture but also found a grub in that bed when I was digging the hole for the potato a few days ago. That also was chucked over the wall. It's my go to thing to do when I find pests because the birds are so scarce during the day and even in the morning when I'm out there, just might as well toss them over the wall into the parking lot to meet their fate.

Don't all creatures deserve to live? Yes and no.


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And.... rampaging mammals again.

 We got some serious rain over the week. Some places reported almost four inches! I don't know how much we got but it was a nice gentle ...