Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Definitely cooling down, despite sunny weather

 It started out very cloudy today and had hopes it would stay that way but here it is noon and clear skies with a nice breeze. Very much better temperatures for sure, hopefully won't need the AC today at all.

I took my pruners down yesterday and cut out most of the leafminer damaged new growth on the lemon bush. Most of it was the water sprout growth and despite what the other experts say, it will survive and it won't have new growth damaged in the winter. 

I covered up most of the cilantro with the cloth again, shifting it to accommodate the angle of the sun then realized there was one little seedling by itself so I found a really large leaf and stuck it in the wire frame for shade. About half of the cilantro seedlings were wiped out last week in the heat wave unfortunately, there's plenty left even with that. Though the seeds I planted a week ago haven't come up in either bed. There are now three seedlings up in the one tray of lettuce. Sigh. 

I need about $20 to get two more bags of soil for the raised bed, go hit the library for more seeds and make plans for planting at the end of this month. I keep repeating the same thing so I don't forget and then when I do remember I don't have the money to do it.

Gardening is an every repeating cycle...in more ways than one.

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...