Thursday, October 26, 2023

Okay late post and all that...

 I was having issues on my other blog getting it to do things so here's hoping this works. It seems that the format and security for Blogger/Google has changed and then Firefox will become Mozilla on Nov. 1. Good lord, the hoops I just had to go through to be able to upload pictures here.

Weather just seems to be flip flopping on a regular cycle now. Cloudy, sunny, cloudy, sort of sunny.... geeez. There was a cool breeze blowing later in the day today and it was a very comfortable and mostly sunny day.

So yes, clear and sunny day today. That is the actual color of the sky, wonderful blue behind the green of the tree. I moved the two onions  to the porch rack, will have to keep an eye on them every day for watering. Why did I move them? Because...I have no idea. I had an idea when I moved them but now forgot it.


So I also decided today to check the little onions in the bed and a few of them came out rather easily, so I guess I'll just be planting seeds there now. The ones that didn't pull out easy I left. I then noticed that little can I had used as a pill bug trap and just tossed it there... was full of snail shells! I'll be dipped, what the heck is up with that?


They were all empty shells and a few pill bugs that were still alive. So... I guess the 'muck' that was in the bottom of it was actually dead snail shells? I have no idea what is going on anymore but that's a LOT of snails.I dumped them all behind the log pile where the lizards live just in case there were some still alive. 










I stirred up all the beds with my hands and the cultivator because I hate compacted soil (that's why I ended up pulling some of the onions in the raised bed). I'm considering cutting the chicken wire perimeter on that south bed or digging it out entirely and resetting it like the west bed. That's a huge project and will decide no later than spring on that. Can't plant much there other than lettuce anyway.  There's just a lot of wasted space in that bed and if I do that it's going to get a soil make over as well. I once again paused and considered tossing some seeds in but put them away because both those beds need more soil to be really healthy. And of course since I stirred up the soil I put the covers back on just in case.

Dolores seems to be using her little black peppers, there's fewer of them than before and she planted a japanese eggplant. It has a few flowers on it but I don't see signs of the flowers or fruit. Her kale is still being eaten by the caterpillars but that's gotten less annoying since it's getting colder now. 


The good and the ugly on my walk today. Beautiful vinca (Catharanthus) in a sidewalk strip....surrounded by artificial turf...oh well. And the duranta bushes that I took pictures of in the spring... were all cut/hacked back. So were the privets that were bordering a driveway entrance to the right of that picture. WHY???? The duranta I can imagine it being a security thing up against the fence of some building but there isn't enough space between the bushes and the fence to hide anything. The privets... I guess they figured it was a visual obstruction or something. 

But they didn't have to just hack them back! Sigh.

So, late post a bag of chips and all that.

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