Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Weather is .... and not much else

 Rained two days ago, sunny and warm yesterday and back to cloudy today but no rain. It is still pants weather and according to the next week or two it'll climb into the 80's but only partly cloudy. Sigh. The plants are loving the cooler weather but planting is still on pause.

Day before yesterday and today. Take my word for it, there was sunshine and very few clouds yesterday. Perfect weather for planting cool season seeds.... if it holds like this.

I picked up all the potatoes yesterday and put them in the sun with the paper towel over them. I am just way too impatient for potatoes. I want my spuds now! The raised bed should be perfect soil for growing them but  I have plans for other stuff to put in there.

The strawberry is thriving! Three new leaves now and that will be a lovely plant for next year! I had to weigh down the paper towels as the wind was blowing it all over. Rather futile really, I ended up just putting them in one of the empty pots.











Examining the spuds for roots I discovered at least two of them had holes. This was from when they were in contact with the dirt because I noticed it when I moved them to the bark. I seriously toyed with planting them out in the bed and just will do whatever seeds I get wherever. I mentally slapped myself and said 'no..wait until the weekend and see'. The in ground beds need so much better soil and the south bed, as much as I want to plant potatoes there, it won't get enough sun over the winter.


The pepper is rebounding nicely and the rose has dozens of new leaves. Seriously unfurling little leaflets all over the stems. Yay!

Even the oregano is doing better. To a point. I looked at it a bit closer and realized, much like the rose, there were three small plants all in the same pot. One of them was completely naked and I decided to cut it out. The rest of it looks fine with enough good green leaves to survive.











The west bed I started digging a bit in to look at the soil and holy cats it was dry! I thoroughly soaked it of course, and in digging also realized it really needed more soil. I was only able to go down about two or three inches before hitting hard dirt in there. The raised bed has a good six inches now. So getting another bag of soil for the in ground beds is the next major step. 

Of course I already have the potatoes and cilantro in that west bed along with the zinnias so will have to wait a bit unfortunately. Certainly can't plant any root crops in there. After watering really well I left the chicken wire off it and picked up all the bark (did that before so I could water everything throroughly). A bit cleaner and neater looking now. If/when I do get more soil in there I wonder if that could be the start of a partial herb bed with the oregano at the east end. 

But everything is on pause waiting for soil, weather and seeds.

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