Sunday, October 1, 2023

Turns out it rained a little overnight. Clean up done.

 Well the rain wasn't as much as had hoped and it didn't happen until wee hours of the morning. No more than a drizzle from what I could see on the pavement. Just enough to dampen the soil but nothing deep. Clouds mostly cleared off in the afternoon but it was chilly enough this morning that I have worn pants all day. Going to be in the low 60's overnight and is only 68 right now which means it maybe got to the low 70's. Wonderful weather! Annnd by next weekend it'll be shorts weather and back into the 90's again. Good lord! Certainly not time to put delicate fall plants in!

Was busy this morning and afternoon so didn't get out until around 4:30. 

Something may have moved dirt around? Didn't smell anything so I smoothed it over and will check tomorrow. I might have to rig up some shade cloth on the bed for the coming heat spell. I don't have any cheese cloth left I don't think. Wish I had my store of muslin fabric from storage. Strawberry plant is doing fantastic and will be of a size to plant next spring yay!











The onions are also gaining momentum with both showing a second sprout. I did put two seeds in there so will have to see what happens. Still nothing from the lettuces. Losing confidence in those. Might have to restart after the heat wave.

So I found a little potato when I was cleaning out the corner and decided to make the west bed a potato bed. First off, the bed is really shallow for potatoes but what the heck (trowel is hitting hard dirt less than a blade length in). I didn't remember whether that white thing is a root or sprout so put it in sideways, it'll figure it out.

 You can tell by the shadows how late in the day it is and now it's after dark because I got distracted with other things. 

Here's how the corner turned out though, cleaned up with bark and everything organized.

Didn't remember to take a picture until I already pulled stuff out mostly. I then used the shovel and dug the soil a bit. It was sounding like a drum in the corner where the gophers dug through. Smoothed the soil out best I could and used some of the logs for a border.

There was just enough bark for a thin layer on the dirt. That dark patch on the right side is where I dug then realized it was too far forward so it's a divot in the soil Oh well, covered it up with the logs temporarily. Cages are stacked, the window box is snugged in between those and the buckets. I took most of the purslane that was dumped on top of that bucket along with the spurge that was growing along the jade and used the bag the bark was in to haul it all to the trash.


Area is not exactly pristine, still a lot of leaves and weeds in the dirt but it's better than it was before. Still don't know what to do with those logs. I found two decollate snails under one log and the logs were sounding pretty hollow. I also found some perfectly good tomatoes, well not all perfect but surprisingly good condition for sitting on a dead vine for a month. I'm pretty sure they were green on the vine when I tossed them over there.

Netting back in place on both the ground beds. Will water tomorrow and probably Wednesday since it's going to be hot and sunny again. Really need to get some fabric to put over the raised bed before it gets too hot. Dangit. No money until next weekend for it either and that's way too late. Will keep an eye out at the table for fabric or shirts or something to use. Might have to use the chicken wire and cut it to size as well as a support.

Will figure it out, maybe if I use the chicken netting and trash bags cut open..... hmmm.

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