Saturday, November 11, 2023

Again with a lack of pictures but something for fall

 It was late already when I finally got out to the garden. Had a lot to do earlier in the day so got out in late afternoon. Wonderful weather today, still kind of dry but perfect weather all around not too hot or cold, but 'sweater' weather in the evening. No moisture from or in the sky as yet, still very cool at night and dry. App right now at 9:30 pm says it's foggy outside but only temporary. Still looking at rain possibly middle of the week and increasing clouds. Yay!

The leaves on the grass and the trees in colors. That tree picture makes them look much bigger than they are. Just had to get a picture of the different colors all blending together.

When I went out to the garden Dolores was already there and she pointed to the chive plant someone had given her and said 'feel free to divide this yourself I haven't been able to get around to it. I split off about a third of the plant and planted the majority of it at the end of the west bed, trying not to completely bury the cilantro, I did get one that was there but no great loss. I almost started digging where I put the romaine seeds but stopped in time. I had to tear off most of the long leaves by about half and then soaked it really well after I tucked it into the very very wet soil. A few small ones separated out so I put those in the corner of the raised bed. Will see which one survives. It looked like it had grown in the shade too long as the leaves were all very soft and long. How fitting that I have potatoes planted already with chives now planted next to them. 

Everything got a good dousing of water, still nothing from the seeds. When I was digging around in the west bed I realized that the eggshells from the compost I used in there were still very much there. This is why it is no longer suggested to just put them in compost. It takes years for them to break down and release the calcium, until them they're just annoying little bits of shell. 

Leaves are falling and so are the temps, wishing for more rain and winter weather.


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