Monday, November 13, 2023

Ah the changing weather, few pictures so short entry.

 High hazy overcast today which is a predictor of more clouds to come soon. It's a far cry from being cold though, topping out at 80 today but will be dropping a bit more through the week. Still pleasant weather for being out and about but not too active.

Tried to take pictures of the cluster of trees but it was in the same direction as the sun and the trees were just silhouettes so took these pictures instead.

Also! The cauliflower seeds are sprouting! Yay! Both chive clumps are still good, no weakness or limp leaves which means ripping them from the main clump didn't do much harm.

Can hardly wait to get those cauliflower planted out! Still nothing from the sweet peas, lettuce or onions. What is up with that? Onions I know are going to be a long wait period for sprouting to maturity. Those other two are still just... standing there. If I had the money I'd be getting onion starts or the sets but that's dozens of onions and I only have from for maybe a few. 

The nursery hopefully still has a huge crate of each of the three types of onion sets and a 4 inch short pot to use as a scoop. It was like five dollars for a scoop but you could mix and match if you wanted Texas white, yellow Granax(?) and a red. That's still enough onions to plant all of my raised bed and then some. In a larger garden with more planting space it makes sense to do it that way.

Now is the time to plant more lettuce, cilantro and maybe try the carrots. I may well soak some more sweet peas and just take a chance and plant them out on the trellis. Pill bugs are still in that bed because I moved one of the pots the other day and one scurried out of the light and dug back into the soil. If I do that, going to get the rest of the plastic cups and cut the bottoms off as a shield.

Bring on the cooler weather for my veggies!

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