Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Grumble at the weather, again. not much for updates

 It is 84 today and weather app still says it's going to be rainy tomorrow. High streaky clouds right now but was clearer earlier in the day, breeze has picked up off and on as well.

The blue was not that intense, hard to get that adjusted. Clouds are more smudgy than wispy now like someone took their hand and blurred them. Ah well, the nights are getting rather chilly, got the blanket out for the third night in a row. The veggies are liking this kind of weather but again, no movement from the lettuce or sweet peas. 

 All the cauliflower seeds are coming up, yay! Still a few weeks away from  planting them out but here's hoping that the cool weather doesn't bring on the caterpillars later. There was a big fat brown one on Dolores' kale when I checked today.










I think one of the rose plants is not making it. No leaf movement on top or at the base. It looks dry but didn't water, i need a new watering can just for these guys. A lot of the cut tips are browning back so that's not a good sign at all. Oh, and the orchid sadly is not making it, I pulled the second new growth cluster off last night and the main leaf of the plant is almost totally brown. I drowned it and kept it in the dark. I just can't keep an orchid at this point, don't have the right light location for them.


The potato, cilantro and chives are still chugging along. No movement from the Romaine I planted either. Zinnias are looking a little thing but I didn't have the time to really investigate on the reason. I'm basically letting them go to seed at this point so they aren't in the way any longer.

Someone decided to take one of the lemons (left picture has a stem in front of the lemon that looks like someone just pulled the fruit off), but none of them are ready yet, they're still half green. I'm keeping tabs on them for sure and may well snag one myself when they get more yellow.

That's all for now, need to hurry off for shuttle duty this week. Maybe come back home with a pizza.

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