Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Picnic weather for sure.

 Day before Thanksgiving and the weather is holding for a typical time of year. I think I've only encountered different weather once or twice. It might have rained one year recently but that may have been Christmas. Anywho, breezy which cools down the temp that I think peaked at 82 in the sun. We had a Thanksgiving pot luck in the complex, other than clashing with one resident over politics which was an unspoken rule of not mentioning. Guy was being a brat as his friend told him. Anyway back to the garden.

Well, so much for covering keeping the seedlings safe. There were four Romaine coming up but now t here are three. Whatever ate it must have come up from the soil right next to the missing seedling.

Just a comparison of the two potatoes. The one in the ground seems to have smoother leaves but then there's also an age difference between them as well. No picture but there were three more cauliflower seeds coming up in the pot yesterday, I left them in and hope to use them for trading later.

Given the near failure of the Romaine in the ground I tossed some seeds in the pellets. Those were almost bone dry and made the mistake of putting the seeds in first then trying to water. Well, without soil to cover the seeds they went everywhere. Used a paint brush to pick them out of the tray and put them in the pellets. Brush to pick them up off the water and then the handle end to tamp the soil in on them.Multiples in each pellet for better chance of success. 

And that's a wrap for today, likely not much going to happen tomorrow since I'm going to daughters for Turkey Day. 

May all your gardens grow and your family and friends stay close.


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