Monday, December 18, 2023

Weather change! It's a three layer day.

 Still cold, colder than previous days due to the cloud cover sliding in overnight. I had an errand early morning soI actually had to put on a long sleeve shirt over my turtle neck sleeveless and then a short sleeve shirt on top of that AND a jacket. Wow, actual winter layering today. It's supposed to rain on Thursday now but it's sporadic drizzle around the county. I know, I drove through some.

And of course the soil is still very much wet after watering yesterday. (Yes, I took basically the same picture because it's still exciting.) Get used to it plants, there's more on the way! Those potatoes are just busting out wonderfully especially that front one that's the older of the three.

I took a look at the onions I brought upstairs and what to my gazing eyes should find..... another leaf coming up on both of them! I immediately filled a container with water and soaked, and ran it back through and thoroughly soaked again until air bubbles were coming up then another watering. Reusing all the water that drained out and even watered the two pellets that were empty. So after seeing the onions coming up again, took them back down to the garden.











I finally caved and planted out the four romaine, two front and two in back. I had to keep checking where they were and the soil moving because carrots are coming up all over the place. That right side starts at the stick in front and sporadically to the back stick. Lord help me if those potatoes decide to sprout, but by the time they are big enough to shade the carrots, the carrots will be much bigger and possibly pulling size. Still waiting on those cauliflower. Maybe with the new year I'll be able to afford some fertilizer again.

The carrots and cilantro in the west bed are continuing to do great.  Actually needed some cilantro for salsa today but didn't run down and harvest any, even the wild stuff is too small.

Then there's the lantana that's been hacked at because she wanted to hang christmas lights in it.A good half of that bush is gone just for her lights.  Grrrr. Yes, there are Christmas lights wrapped all through that lantana and around the bird of paradise.  Sigh.

So rain coming in a day or two, who knows how much. Supposedly L.A. is going to get about 2 or 3 inches but not expecting that much down here, a lot of land and variables between there and here.

All the leaves are brown..... on this almost winter's day.....

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...