Friday, January 5, 2024

End of week post now, I think it's working

The weather has been clear, crisp and mostly calm (no wind to speak of) after the rain. Which was to be expected, as it happens. Still need a light jacket on when walking around if there's any shade. Things are growing well, it's starting to feel like spring not winter but that will change.

Yes the sky was this color two days ago. In fact a bit more orange. The sun was setting and it lit up the clouds with an almost tangerine color. Can't get the color right now matter how much I fiddle with the color adjustments. It was amazing as the light was completely suffused with the orange. Going back inside was jarring because the light was so different.




And then this was yesterday. Gorgeous blue skies with puffy, wispy white clouds. Garden is drying out but still very wet. Everything enjoyed the water and fresh air.











The potatoes are thriving and I'm actually having to thin some of the carrots and cilantro because they're getting covered up. Note for next time, don't plant anything around potatoes. Having only grown potatoes once before and by themselves, even with videos I still made the mistake of planting small stuff near them. The wild cilantro is surviving still and hope to harvest some of that soon, but I have plenty of my own, will leave that for Dolores.

The pots are doing fine, still itching to get those cauliflower and lettuce out and planted but have to wait a while longer, neither don't seem to be moving much at all.  Then there's bug problems. Oh yes most definitely pill bugs are out and munching down on the potato leaves. I need to get some traps that actually work and put them under there. It's a bad omen for cucumbers and squash later on and another reason why I haven't put the lettuce out.











Cilantro is totally shaded and with everything else growing I think I'm going to just pull those little guys out as I have more coming up on the other side of the bed that's in the clear.


Yesterday's clear blue skies when I went for my walk, rarely get to have clear blue skies this time of year. Amazing colors of the blue and green. Mushrooms in the lawn today which is not surprising given the weather and the Romaine is recovering with another set of leaves. Now if the dang pill bugs would just leave them alone.

The west bed is looking good, carrots might be ready by the end of the month, maybe by Valentine's day. The cilantro shows no signs of trauma from cutting a few leaves off the other day, the worms are still very active in a few spots in that bed. 

Then there's holes in the potato leaves. It's too cold for caterpillars so can only think it's snails and pill bugs. They aren't bothering the carrots or cilantro. Bug proof plants? 

 I decided to drop three more Sweet Pea seeds in the tin of water that had collected. Was going to plant those between the existing ones just to pack them in there. They did fine last time, so here's hoping the trend continues. It would be lovely to have a full trellis of sweet peas by Easter for some true Spring Flowers. The first batch *might* be setting flowers by then but will see what happens.

There is an ice cream truck that is cruising near by..... dude it's still winter despite it being a Friday and sunny.


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