Monday, January 1, 2024

New year has officially begun.

 Clouds have cleared, air is cool, sun is warm and the garden goes on. Before there were calendars and clocks, there was the sun, moon and weather to mark the changing seasons and years. As most seasoned gardeners know, you plant according to the weather first, then the calendar. You have to know your weather patterns to time things just right. I don't consider myself a seasoned gardener. I know about gardening but this is only my second year of actually having my own garden. It's been a learning experience for sure. So many things learned, patience being the most hard one.

Just some signs of the season. One lone yellow leaf compared to all the other brown ones and the tree is completely bare. High wispy clouds in a blue sky again but it's lovely. Wish I could take a decent picture out my window but the screen interferes and the glass is very dirty.











Lots of birds calling today. Even as I was taking a picture of these two there was the hawk calling in the Eucalyptus tree. The bird on the right is a California Towhee, and the one on the left is the ubiquitous American Crow. There was also a Mourning Dove somewhere and a blue dragonfly that Rocky tried to hunt that landed on the leaf pile near one of the trees.

So a before/after picture of trimming the oregano. Only took about four branches off and tossed those into the compost. Flatter and wider now but still plenty of room to grow. Not like I need oregano but by the time this is big enough to harvest seriously,  I'll be low on my purchased/gifted oregano.











Hard to get a good scale on how much this romaine has grown. It's probably about three inches tall which doesn't look like it with my hand but that's okay.


Leave it to say those and the cilantro are growing by leaps and bounds now. The cilantro I might actually be able to harvest a few leaves when I make salsa later this week. I saw a post by one of the gardening people that she had a hard time growing cilantro and most of us couldn't believe it. I piped in with now being the right time to plant the seeds and do successive plantings every two weeks or so. That's pretty much how mine was done but the ones that are only now coming up in the raised bed I planted longer than two weeks ago. It's all in the timing with the weather as I said.

Again with the growing leaps and bounds.

I decided to thin some of the carrots around the potatoes because of how fast they were growing.  Even that Romaine is at risk of being overtaken by the potato at this rate.  I don't know how people can grow crowded gardens when everything is touching. 😏😉











I then realized the chives in the front corner were being completely blocked out by the larger potato bush and decided to move it. Trying to be very careful of not just the potato but the carrots nearby. Well, at least I know this is a red potato now. That little one separated from the roots so might have to just dig it out and call it good. Hopefully the chives grow a bit faster now that it's in the sun and if it starts getting shaded again then will have to find a front area to put it after the carrots are done. There was another one that wasn't disturbed behind it so I covered everything up again. But then noticed how badly the leaves had been eaten.

Definitely pill bugs and possibly snails. Might go out while it's still light out and trim that off as a sacrifice in that corner.

Want to drop a note here that I've restarted posting on my knitting blog  Infinite Stitches and will likely post updates about once a week from there to my regular FB account.

 That's it for today, yay gardening and knitting and all that stuff!


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