Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A little calmer but still sunny

 Wind usually portents a change in the weather sunny/cloudy and vice versa so it's been sunny and windy the last few days, the weather app says it might rain on the weekend. We shall see what happens as there are already high flimsy, cottony clouds drifting by.

It was crystal clear earlier and the Eucalyptus was amazing against that blue sky.

The beds are actually dry on the surface but plenty wet below so the only thing I watered with the little tin bucket was the tiny lettuce seedlings. If you noticed there's an empty spot down right in the raised bed. I pulled that small potato there and it had a whole cluster of potato buds the size of peas. 

Once pulled they won't survive so I chucked the little plant, spuds and all into the compost bucket. It's a shame but I was tired of looking at it and I think that's the one I got the bigger red off a few weeks back.

Multiple flowers on the snow peas so it looks like I might have peas by Easter. The plants themselves are more bushy than upright which is what I remember the other peas doing. Still nothing on the sweet peas.

So yeah, lettuce seedlings are still there, just can't see them because of dry soil. The 'bait' leaves I put out were consumed. Now to make an actual trap as the pomelo skins are all dried up now I tossed those in the compost.










 Okay, better macro shots of the back of the potato leaves and those are verified aphids. The other damage is still suspected insect but certainly not from the aphids. Entirely possible those tiny holes are from baby slugs or pill bugs. Considering the other damage that is the best I can come up with.

And that's all the news that's fit to print. More ruminations on summer crops next time.

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