Monday, February 12, 2024

Delayed a day not much happening but the weater

 It was perfectly clear yesterday and same today. Absolutely not a cloud in the sky with a stiff breeze blowing through the trees. Windchimes are going off all the time so it adds to a musical and magical time of year. Red Shouldered hawks were calling yesterday and this morning, the Mourning doves are calling also which means they're setting up nesting sites.... sigh. I love spring.

Sky on the left is closer to actual color with just a hint more yellow tinge, so it's almost a turquoise color. No matter what shade, the sky is beautiful after the almost week of cloudy skies. First up are pictures from yesterday (Sunday)

So wonderful seeing so many different plants growing together like I envisioned. The peas are putting out the first flowers (sweet peas are still lagging) potatoes are almost big enough to blower as well, Romaine is just begging to be harvested but it's a long ways off for sure.

The carrots I just don't know what to do, I haven't had carrots get this big before and these just took off like crazy. There's about four of them there and supposed to be more round than long, supposedly when you can see the shoulders they're ready to pull. I keep checking and the dirt is pushed up at the base of the leaves but that's about it.

And let me tell you, the bees are buzzing in the jade bush for sure! Bent down to look at something and there was an audible buzzing! Used my macro feature to try and get a close up of them.

Again tried to use the macro to get a shot of the back of the potato leaves. Those look like chew holes not fungus! And on every leaf there was a small green bug. I couldn't even get the camera to pick up on it well enough. I thought it was an aphid but then saw one that was more elongated and knew they had to be a worm/caterpillar/larvae of some sort.

I will definitely b e keeping an eye on those leaves and try to pick a leaf to use the magnifier to get a better picture.

I got my seeds out last night and went through all the summer crops. I really wanted to grow peppers and tomatoes this year and maybe have room for the tomatillo and squash. Just about all of them are 70+ days to maturity. That a little over two months so back it up the two weeks for seed planting and in order to transplant them the right time, I need to start them no later than the end of this month or mid March. But first have to get the soil or pellets to plant them.

That will have to wait until next month unfortunately.

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...