Sunday, March 31, 2024

It really rained. A lot.


(photo for blogger/facebook analytics in the case of changing my thumbnail photo. Really cool picture of the clouds!)

Woke up yesterday morning and knew the sun was gone.... garden plans laying on the shelf. 

Okay bad attempt at a copycat song, sorry. But yes, woke around 8 in the morning and it was already raining pretty hard. It continued straight for most of the day and if it let up it was only for less than an hour. So by the time it did pause, it was dark outside.

That was the only picture I could get of the rain coming down as we were headed out the door to do much needed gas in the car and a few other items. It was also very cold, dropped down to the high 40's in the afternoon and night. The other two pictures are from this morning and apologies for the view out my dirty window screen.

More clouds from today. Very blustery and overcast so more rain tonight and a bit tomorrow then just cloudy and possible rain. March going out like a lion for sure. So not much in the way of pictures due to weather.

You can see how completely wet everything is. Muddy but the tomatoes are still fine, 'water resevoirs' are catching the rain, the lettuce is having a blast and so are the onions. Hope to get some better pictures tomorrow.

The gophers are still in the garden. At least that's what that looks like, might be another animal digging a hole. Then there's seedlings. Remember the seedlings I found in my beds? Yep, there are dozens and dozens of liquidambar seeds coming up all over the lawns. So it's not just me, the lawnmower will take some of those down but a lot of them are up close to the trunk of the trees due to wind and rain. Would have to get tweezers of some sort to pull the ones not in the path of the mower. Oh well. 

Good thing is, those are not the same side of the plant family as the grass so technically could use some type of broadleaf weed killer on them but the complex gardeners aren't going to bother. Heck, there's two palm trees coming up from seeds under a stairwell they haven't bothered digging out yet or noticing they need to be pulled.

Going to be busy with grocery shopping tomorrow and other running around so hoping to get out if it's not raining too badly and get a closer look at things in the garden.

Rain, rain go garden needs a sunny day!



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