Monday, April 15, 2024

Been busy for sure, flowers and seeds.

 Day before yesterday spent 7 hours in the ER starting at 8:30 pm (I'm fine, it was Jon and he's fine), needless to say I was wiped out and didn't get to posting then and bother posting yesterday. So there's a lot of catching up to do.

The weather has been good. It apparently rained while we were waiting in the hospital, it was VERY cold by the time we walked out and the ground was wet. It was partly cloudy yesterday and today started that way but it's clear now.

Yesterday's sky. Picture perfect clouds moving in and was very windy. Today's morning sky was basically the same color and patchy clouds.

Chive flowers are pretty and edible and the first sweet pea has opened. Very hard to get a good picture of how dark that its, very dark burgundy color and the next two opening will be that color and white it looks like.

Going to wait until there's more flowers open before cutting some to bring inside. This variety is a do again for sure since the stems are very long and perfect for cutting. Mix that in with the chive flowers, maybe some cilantro and that's my garden bouquet.

The radish transplant is actually recovering. It's even more sturdy now than it was yesterday and it looks like the onions got a bit of water from the rain off the roof. The soil surface is definitely dry but since I don't have any small seedlings I'm going to wait another day to water.

Another squash seed has surfaced so that's three out of four so far that I planted there. I also repotted the strawberry. It had a Ton of roots and runner roots as well. It really needs to get out into a larger area so it can spread but that's not an option right now. Still forgot my clippers to take care of the rose and oregano.

So the radish survived and there are still four tomatoes and possibly one pepper still going. Hoping more peppers survive and am now using the potting soil I have to plant the next batch of seeds.

So even as I was planting them I thought I had taken a picture of the pepper seeds for reference. I did not. I failed. It was either the yellow pepper or mixed mini and I'm going with mixed minis. All I had to mark was an oversized matchstick and had to triple check so the sticks are wrong but the notation is correct. Because at l east I got the picture of the tomatillo package on the right side.

That is one of two containers that I put soil in and now thinking I should put the strawberry in the second one so it can spread out at least. I don't have any more room for plants. I've got squash, tomatoes and peppers all seeded. If I get anything else it's going to be to trade for eggs or something else in the future. Since I only have room for maybe five or six plants, anything else is for profit. Unless, I decide to use that extra soil and the window box.

 The sky today is gorgeous, wind is still blowing but it's going to be clear, cool and spring like weather for the next week and a half. I took more pictures than this but not important, hope to be back on schedule tomorrow with possible photos from my usual walk.
'Alaska' azalea peeking over the Indian hawthorn bush.

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