Saturday, April 13, 2024

No rain...yet and seeds planted

 It's less oppressively cloudy and much windier today as well as being a bit warmer. Rain isn't predicted until much later after dark.











But first, flowers and plants from yesterday. I noticed this little bougainvillea flower in the grass and had to take a picture of it. It's unusual to have an entire bract and flower at the same time on the ground so it must have been blown off or knocked off by something. 

Was also playing around with my macro setting when I saw that grass growing in the potted ficus. So cute and fuzzy with those filaments sticking out. The Norfolk pine is putting out new growth but also looking a bit yellow and that that would be a cool picture. Walking to the car I noticed some German iris blooming in the downstairs neighbor planter. That pothos really needs help but it works with the yellow and white iris.

So for today it feels like it may not rain but then I remember what happened 24 hours ago changing from the day before that. Can always count on the weather to change.

Also during morning walk with Rocky, look what I noticed under the huge liquidambar. Has to be a gopher hole. Wow. Takes a lot of maneuvering to dig under a tree that big. Also another pink rose is blooming, not a Tiffany because it has very little fragrance.


On to the garden for today. Weather really is very mild and perfect for gardening. Not too hot, not too cold, not rainy just a bit windy. The radish, as expected, was wilted but I gave it some extra water. The center leaf looked fine still so will see what happens.

I'm not taking as many pictures as needed, I checked the squash seeds and another one had very little root and was laying over with the seed cover still on the leaves. I did one of those 'aha' moments and grabbed the bucket of potting soil and two of the other four inch cups. I dumped out the soil carefully into the raised bed and managed to salvage the one with the most roots. Going to wait on those tomatoes to repot them when they get bigger. Watered them with some of the captured rain water. Of course I forgot my clippers to trim the rose and oregano. When I was working in that Very wet soil from the seedling cup into the bed I discovered one last red potato spudling. No roots or sprouts on it so I moved it over to the other side of the bed and just left it exposed.


Then, grabbed two more cups, filled them with damp soil and brought them up to the potting bench. 5 Jalapeño and 5 Poblano.The peppers in with the tomatoes haven't come up yet so waiting on those and now have to figure out how to label these because sure as the weather changes I'll forget which is which in a week. I even saw some plastic plant labels at the dollar store but passed them up. Masking tape and red crayon for the win. 

It's a bit too early for hot peppers but worth a shot. I know it took forever for the bell peppers last year and they rotted. I have yellow, red and mini pepper seeds saved, it would be fun if I could plant them all just not dang space. I had the measurements for all the beds on my previous phone but lost that notes app back up. Which also had recipes and ideas and work info. Oh well.

Just remeasured my two main beds and the west bed is 48" x18" (without plants) and the raised bed is 2'x3' with plants.  Raised bed could be considered 3x3 measured tight front to back. So it's slightly longer than wide but still not a lot of room. I was including the peas because the tomatoes are going to be there soon.  Oh and the trellis grid is 6"x6" which would be wonderful for measuring out things, IF I could get something to cut the top off.

So. Jalapeño spacing is ideally 24" final spacing for Poblano is half that. So looks like 2 of each is the max ideal spacing I can do in the raised bed. Going to try for the tomatillo with the squash in the west bed. Spacing for squash is 12" so subtracting the existing chives and green onions one squash and one tomatillo should do it. Tomatillo may need a cage for support if it grows according to the description. I know they get tall and can get a ton of fruit. I haven't had very good luck with nightshade plants in that bed.

As always, plans are made and it's up to the future to see how they pan out.

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