Monday, April 22, 2024

May grey is starting early

 Definitely cooler today with that high overcast most of the day, only now is it trying to clear off and the clouds are moving back in again. Flowers everywhere are blooming or in bud green growing things all over. Breeze just started up coming through my window (as I'm writing), clouds are mostly gone but still hazy. My window faces North almost North East so the wind would be coming in from that direction. Just a bit startling to have my fan on and then wonder why I'm getting wind on me. Needless to say I turned the fan off.

Not as cloudy now but it wasn't that cold either. Just had my lightweight overshirt on and it was fine, only in the low 70's. Very pleasant day for the weather.

I picked some of the lettuce yesterday and today, pulled up another larger plant and then made the decision to just pull the romaine as well. BSS makes a good lettuce for sandwiches and adding in with other tougher lettuce for a salad. Need to plant some more in the shade.











Romaine and some random weeds that someone else tossed in my bucket. I personally would not put oxalis in my compost. The squash is growing fast and I remembered now that the cauliflower variety I have 'Rober' is a heat tolerant one and can take temps up to 75. That's going to be a long haul and have to reconsider where I'm planting what now.

There isn't enough space to grow that squash in the west bed. I need all of those plants cleared in a few weeks. There's an onion and carrot still hanging out behind the cilantro and then the green onions and cauliflower, plus the very prolific chives and pepper plant at the other end. As soon as I can get up the nerve, those cilantro will be pulled. Giving it another few weeks since the squash is still not quite big enough to transplant. Sweet peas are still going off with plenty of buds coming behind those flowers. Dare I plant a tomato at the left side while those are still there?

Just so stinking amazed and proud of these sweet peas. Definitely a do again either in the fall or next spring. Hope there's enough left for a bouquet for my daughter.











Rocky in the garden again, he hears something in the woodpile, but there's so much between him and his objective. Layla took cuttings of plants and another flower and dug up soil from the ground and just plopped them in the pots. I will bet that at least one of those pots doesn't have a drainage hole. The Lavender Trumpet Vine (Bignonia callistegioides) is starting to bloom. Don't get over to that side of the patio often so I missed seeing it in bud. It's getting old, not a lot of flowers on it again.

 That frass is very fresh and I'm now thinking it could be beetles as well as termites. I need to investigate that closer next time. There is also this odd fungus growing on the ends of the logs. I'm thinking it's fungus. Wondering if it's ends of tunnels from the termites? No matter what, those logs may be more of a hazard to the building and will overtake my compassion for the lizards.

Well since blogger is not wanting to upload anymore photos I guess I'm done with that for now. One of the hawks flew overhead screaming and flew right past the nesting tree. Wonder if their chick has fledged yet. Mourning doves were near the kitchen window today as well so all the birds and bees are gearing up for spring/s8mmer.

Now if that yappy dog downstairs would just shut up for an hour or so.

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