It is now 60° overcast in a flat grey even layer with a mild but chill wind. Wind started up around 4 pm last night and clouds moved in overnight. Looks like it's a jacket today on my walk.
If it rains later today or tomorrow it needs to be a much heavier cloud layer. Right now it's just cold and overcast. Very little variation in the color of the clouds but it's the leading edge of the supposed storm.
The combined lighting level of the two pictures is closer to what it looks like outside. If we had cool weather for the next month I suspect that cauliflower would do okay. The green onions are reaching for the sky and the cilantro is actually flowering.
You know what else has flowers? The sweet peas finally!!! Those flower clusters just leaped up overnight for sure! It's been a week exactly since I took a picture of the clusters still very small so they are really growing fast! Don't know how I missed those flower stems yesterday.
There's going to be flowers all over in a week for sure. I pulled off more of the snow pea vines but didn't go any further as the sweet peas were thoroughly tangled in the remaining ones. I picked a few pods, ate the fattest one and dropped the other three in the compost.
I checked the color of the carrots and decided to pull them. Definitely not going to grow Chantenay again. Not enough really to cook even if they were left in the ground long enough they're still too short. I pulled the radish too, was about to toss it in the compost and then decided to experiment replanting it where the carrots were. Made sure to give it some water but not going to expect it to look that good tomorrow. At least it's not blazing hot like yesterday and it won't stress out too much.
Kind of hard to see the tomato seedlings with the drier soil but they're there and also, the squash seeds are up! The one that I disturbed didn't look too good so I tossed it but there's still two more plus one that hasn't come up. I trimmed the oregano as best I could with just my fingers and if I get out tomorrow I'll bring clippers with me to trim that and the rose. Need to get those in larger containers for sure.
I toyed with using the new soil in some of my existing pots but just opened the soil bucket and stirred it around. Sure enough, even with all the water I put in there was still a layer of dry soil a couple of inches in. Not enough room to really dig down so I stirred a bit more then put the lid back on and put it in the corner where the cilantro was.
I'm thinking that from here out I'll use that potting soil for seeds instead of the bedding soil. Finer and better draining for seeds. Now, what else was I going to plant? Oh yeah, peppers. Kind of busy today but will try and do that this weekend. Use those recovered containers and maybe even make a little greenhouse with them.
Flowers on my walk yesterday. Dietes growing in the shade of a tree and an aeonium flower stalk behind succulent primrose Calandrinia spectabilis. Not much else on that walk but those two or three huge onion plants were blooming again. I'm just so curious as to why they were planted and left to just grow. Only thing I can think of is the mistaken 'companion planting' idea that they would keep bugs or gophers away or something. I'll try and get a picture of them today.
So another ho hum day other than the sweet peas finally flowering, yay!
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