Thursday, April 18, 2024

Weather change and lizards in the garden!

 Well, it's not cold but the wind yesterday did portend a change. It is high hazy clouds with a few openings here and there but warm enough to not need a sweater or jacket. Go figure.

South and West views of the sky (approximate) and it was much hazier when I woke up around 8 and now it is more evenly overcast but no rain in sight.

More flowers opening! May not be anything left for Mother's day at this rate but hope at least a few stems to give my daughter. Must remember to spread them out more next year.

Photos are reversed but I brought down the three seed containers I planted so they get some sun and warmth to speed things along. Then I noticed something in between the logs and thought it was lizard skin, but in fact, it was termite frass caught on a cobweb. Oh yes and two lizards skittered for cover when I first stepped into the garden. 

The lone radish is flourishing as well as the cauliflower and Romaine. The onion and carrot behind the cilantro are still plugging along and the pepper I keep forgetting about it still alive.

Wonky cilantro and macro shots of flowers from the west bed. They really are more pink than brown. I have more than enough leaves in the fridge so not really worried about it going to seed. I had way too many last year so this worked out perfectly.

I stood and waited patiently for them to come back out and it was hard to see if I had them centered on my phone due to reflection on my screen. If that darker one on the left is different than the one I saw skitter into the jade bush, there are now three known denizens of the log pile.  Look at that coloring though, if not for sharp eyes and movement, you would not know that one on the left was even there.

Took Rocky out on an afternoon stroll and because he knows there are lizards in the garden log pile he eventually made his way there. I stood still, he kept looking between the logs where the termite frass was, contemplated a few other places then he was on his way. 

I noticed a lizard on our way past though, an alligator lizard definitely. Will be calling that one 'Stumpy' since it was  missing half of the tail. The body itself was about four inches so full length was probably eight to ten inches long. Skinnier and more snake like than a fence lizard with a more pointed head and the markings are different. Interesting that the two different types are co-existing in such a small area and the continued reason why I am reluctant to dismantle the log pile.

Yay for lizards, 'Stumpy', 'Chuck', 'Briquet'(you know, the black square things) and who ever else is there.

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