Monday, June 10, 2024

A few transplants done

 Apparently we are under a 'heat dome' and it's still only in the high 70's. This ain't nothing compared to mid summer last year or even what's to come in a few weeks. Still hot enough to start watering every other day now.

Basically pretty skies though a bit hazier today and dusk lighting shot of the nandina in bloom at the entrance to the garden. The white flowers stood out a bit more than the photo shows,  I tried using flash but that didn't turn out as well oddly enough.











Chive flowers and buds looking very pretty, I meant to bring them upstairs to put them in water but forgot. The strawberry came off somehow. It's kind of shriveled so not sure if I messed it up moving cups around or it just came off on it's own. I tried biting into it but it had almost a solid core to it so I tossed it. It's a baby plant with baby fruit, not going to expect much from it the first year.

 I watered really well yesterday and then marked the spots where I wanted to plant things in the bed. If I remember correctly that lone cup planter is where I put the rose seeds. Again not expecting much from it if anything. The single pepper coming up in the long container on top is most likely a bell pepper that finally decided to grow. Not sure how much room I'm going to have in that west bed. 

I decided to put the two tomatillos in that bed temporarily and then also decided to pull out the cilantro in the corner. I didn't bring my clippers with me so I had to break and twist it. The stems left over were very difficult to pull so I left that for today.

The tomatillos in the ground are responding very well to the transplant. Because I nipped off some flower buds it is now branching in three places so it's going to have a lot of growth. the smaller one had a flower bud which I also nipped off. If it doesn't catch up or it falters it's all good.

I picked out the two biggest tomatoes and the tallest jalapeƱo to plant. The roots look good on all of them, but that one pepper kind of looped around itself. Not sure what happened there but it's still alive.

I used my label sticks finally and didn't plant everything. The squash is still not big enough but I buried it in the pot with some lip above the surface. The poblanos still aren't big enough for my liking to survive transplant so those are staying put in the container.









 Since it's so hot I tried to shade the tomatoes with what trays I have. There's enough air flow so it's not an oven, hopefully. Given how windy it is, I will have to go check them in a few hours to make sure they're still there. I p put the remaining tomatoes and peppers in the deep shade against the wall since it was rather traumatic uprooting them. The soil was rather warm so I'm hoping the shade helps all the involved parties.

Someone took it on themselves to cut off all the remaining roses. Oh well. And a lizard sighting during Rocky's walk (black thing just under the kitchen window box). Rocky spotted it when it scooted behind the bushes where we were standing but he's getting more wise and not bothering to try and chase one that far away.

Will see what happens this evening and tomorrow with everything that was transplanted or displaced. 

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