Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Not so hot I suppose and other things.

 It's still warm but has been overcast all day, almost tropical weather with a gentle breeze/wind that keeps the air moving rather than stifling. Very pleasant weather that is slowly going to be inching into the 80's over the next week. Good for the garden at least. The issue is the light level has been the same most of the day so it feels like it's still around 2 or 3 in the afternoon and it's actually after 5pm.

Basic cloud cover and then my favorite bird a Purple House Finch, perched on a bare branch singing his territorial claim. I tried getting video but my hand was too shaky.

And another lizard scooters to the log pile as I got to the garden. It makes me smile knowing they are thriving there. I saw the holes in the cilantro bed and thought 'what the heck?' then remembered I had been poking around with the stake yesterday and then watered.

Everything survived the night just fine, no wilting at all and so far ::knock on wood:: no bugs bothering them. The taller tomatillo I think I planted a bit too high but it seems to be doing okay. The leaves are nice and shiny and it's gaining height.

I am extremely happy to see the roses are responding very well to the new pot. That's all new growth (about six months behind) but at least it has a good start and might even have some flowers in a month. I decided to plant one of the Poblano peppers, bigges one of the three, and dumped the soil from the pot into the hole as I was dislodging them. The other plants are doing well also despite being shook up and replanted.

Watered everything well trying not to completely knock down the baby plants and shaking them off gently afterward so they aren't touching the ground. I was able to use the trowel this evening and dig some of it out.










 I went out in the evening and saw at least five or six pillbugs wandering around already. I covered all the seedlings in there and then noticed the new leaves on the squash plant. When that gets big enough I'll have to pull the pot up a bit and then plan on getting some Sluggo Plus to sprinkle around. 

I "might" have enough money to spare this month for fertilizer and possibly some of that. Will see what happens. ::beams with pride at the onions and everything growing well so far::

Just some beauty shots of the lantana that is looking absolutely on fire now. It's huge and blooming from every stem! Lantana'Radiation' lives up to it's name, there are a lot of different colors of lantana but this is one of my favorites.

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Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...