Monday, June 24, 2024

Ditto weather report, only a few pictures

 It is ridiculous that temps in the 80's knock  us for a loop now. It was only 86 this morning and yet it's insufferable in the apartment without the AC going. It is now 91 at 3pm. Bleh. I got out last night and brought the fertilizer with me but didn't use it.

Last nights photos. I discovered another reason to let the coriander go, which was a small red spider that had made it's web between the bush and the planters on the right. The squash recovered nicely and so did everything else. Remember my pictures of the tomatillos just clearing the first rung of the cages?

I brought down a trash bag and my clippers to finish the job. Spider will have to go somewhere else. Bagged the top of the bush first then cut through everything. Works rather well actually and then I pulled the remains of the plant out. There's a lot of roots in that bed and the soil is only about three inches deep. Roots could be from anything and everything that has grown in that bed.

I decided to get the squash out of the bed because it was already looking wilted despite being watered. There were a few pill bugs and of course, the millipedes in the soil under it. Any solution for that problem will have to wait until next week. Home DIY solutions have failed due to poor reading of instructions and insufficient supplies. 

Now that there is room in the west bed I need to consider what to do there. I already have one of the tomatillos and still have tomato and pepper plants. The one pepper that's coming up in the long seedling container, I am crossing my fingers is either a bell pepper or fish pepper. That one I think will go in the west bed but it's still very, very small.

Might have to dig it out and repot it in a single container because those larger 'trays' just  don't seem to do well with anything I plant in there. Might try that tonight and remember to add more fertilizer for it.

Hot as it is, it doesn't cool down sufficiently until after sunset which is around 8 at night. I usually have other things going on around then but will try and remember to do that transplant tonight. I left the fertilizer bag in the electrical closet for convenience so I don't have to worry about forgetting it.

That's it, hanging tight feeling okay about the world and the garden at the moment.

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