Sunday, June 23, 2024

It's still haaaaht

It's up to 92 today, I carried the hose over to the garden and realized I needed to water last night or yesterday as the squash was a bit limp.

 Hazy, streaky clouds that only shows there's humidity in the air and does nothing for cooling. Gives the light an odd edge when the clouds move under the sun but nothing other than that. Wind is up, which it always does in the afternoon and weather app says it will be cooling down only by about ten degrees over the next week. Surprisingly humiditiy is only 29%, feels like more than that but it's just hot.

Hard to see but the tomatoes are gaining some height now and so is the tomatillos which are also putting out some flower buds I think. Those tomatoes are not going to do well this year, it's much too late in the season for them to be that size. I will definitely be getting some seedling pods again for next year.

After I watered today. Again, doesn't show it much but the taller potato is very weak and fell over, the poor cilantro babies were flattened and I adjusted the one leaf on the right but it was folded almost flat as well. Everyone got a good soaking and I buried half that container in the soil again to keep it cool. I will try to get out in the evening to see how they're doing and hopefully remember to bring the fertilizer with me. It's supposed to last for three months but I don't think I gave them a lot. Let's do the math, shall we?

1 cup = 8 oz. They recommend using 1 cup per 10ft row. Might have to break down the oz even smaller. For containers they suggest 2 tablespoons per 1 gallon of container volume. So given that measurement I think giving them about a teaspoon per plant was about right. But I still want to work in some more especially around the squash when I plant it.











Day before yesterday I went out in the evening with the intent to cut down the coriander. I noticed a black bug on it and got a closer look. Not one, but two ladybug larva on the dying coriander with no green leaves. Well apparently some enterprising aphids were there and that's why the ladybug laid her eggs. So the plant lives another few days. I checked today and didn't see any evidence of aphids or larva so will give it another day and check then cut it down. The seeds are starting to turn brown which means they're ready to go.


I also checked again in the raised bed and still possibly hundreds of millipedes in the soil. Research says they are like the pill bugs and feed on decaying matter in the soil but can eat new leaves on seedlings. Well I still want to get a collar or sluggo plus for that squash before I put it in the soil. I then saw that the two other rose cuttings were not doing well and made the decision to cut them out . The remaining one is doing just fine thankfully, and I think the other two had root issues and possibly stayed too wet. Wasn't going to baby them along when the bigger one is doing fine.

I've been seeing butterflies around, I think I saw a Painted Lady flit through the garden today and a Monarch yesterday. Then there was this little harlot likely laying her eggs on the kale plant, I stood there very close to the plant and she kept flitting around because I was too close. I had to go back upstairs though so you can bet she laid a few more. Dolores says she doesn't eat that a lot so isn't worried about pulling it out.

So this is the state of my garden June 23, 2024. A VAST difference from last year where there was more plants than soil showing. Ah well. such is the garden life.

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