Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Short post, a few pictures

 Weather is inconsequential at this point and will only mention it if it changes unexpectedly and therefor no sky pictures either. I did find out the haze was from some wildfires north of L.A. and elsewhere. That's why it's just hazy and not truly smokey.










The yellow rose is blooming and the salmon orange Amaryllis is about to open as well, was moving a bit quick walking Rocky so not a very good shot. The colors are more intensely scarlet orange of course, going to try and get a definite name ID for it when it opens. Possibilities are 'Naranja' or 'Orange Sovereign'.










 I was able to water easier today because I borrowed the pocket hose from the downstairs neighbor that has my nozzle on it. There are flower buds on the taller tomatillo and will be letting those stay on for the time being. Cilantro behind them is coming in nicely, one has a true leaf on it already, that stufff... you can grow that all year round if you have a shady spot in the summer.

The squash is catching up nicely growing more true leaves and looking forward to that whole bed being covered in leaves from everything. The tomatillo in the west bed is looking a bit better also. I'm going to plant the other one after the coriander is done and pulled. 

With luck I will have hot peppers, tomatillos, tomatoes, onion and cilantro all ready for salsa in a month or two. Yay! Speaking of onions, that larger onion in the back corner is missing some of the roots on the front side (toward the front of the bed). I bolstered it up with more soil but wondered if bugs were to blame for it. It's bulbing rather close to the surface and hope it will form properly. Also hoping that they are edible onions and I haven't just spent all this emotion and anxiety on something ornamental.

Ornamental is nice, but my garden space is for edibles until I find more space for flowers and sutch.

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