Sunday, June 2, 2024

Some plant movements

 Clouds lingered longer today than previously but still on the warm and windy end of weather. About the only birds that I hear these days is the Bewicks Wren, crows and occasional dove. Hawks are all done with nesting, all that's left are the smaller birds now. Which reminds me it was almost a weird dreamlike situation sitting at my desk and a crow almost flew right into the window. I don't know how I could have forgotten such an odd thing happening. Not like the window reflects anything as dirty as it is and under the eaves. Must have been drunk and I must have been not feeling well to almost blank it from my brain.

(Photo uploads are working again, cross my fingers) That is the color of the sky today. Not grey just a very dusty light blue and the Easter Lily in full bloom. from yesterday.


The neglected and ancient cactus in the other patio has put out a flower. I  have no idea what the name of it is at this point but will try and Google Lens it (Aloe nobilis). Oh and the trumpet vine on the other side is blooming, forgot it was the scarlet one but it doesn't have as many flowers as last year so far.

 I was concerned about the celery not growing very much and then noticed it had started producing flower buds when it's really tiny. I tugged on it and it just popped out. Mostly rotted base, or eaten as the center was hollow. I dug down into the soil but didn't encounter any tunnel but no base to it either. Oh well, compost fodder for sure.











 I then decided to plant the largest tomatillo given the roots showing and its size. At first I just said, 'puck it' and was going to plant it between the potato and the cilantro, then realized how little soil there is actually in that bed when I dug in with my trowel. 











Biiiig difference between raised bed and west bed.! I planted the tomatillo in the bar back corner of the raised bed near the trellis. That way it would have support, I then realized with the celery gone I could use that bed so I dug it up gently and plopped it close to the middle of the south bed.


And photos are working again. Sigh. so yeah, planted it in the south bed about at the shadow line and put the chicken wire over it again just in case.

I dumped a little of the potting soil in the south bed before planting but everything needs fertilizer right now and I have bills to pay.

Yay for cauliflower, they both seem to be growing fine, no evidence of molluskular or invertebrate chewing so far. Opened them for the picture then tied them up again and hope the weather stays mild for them to grow into comfortably large heads. The bigger one is about the size of my fist or a bit bigger, and the little one about the size of a ping pong ball.

Okay enough frustration for that right now.  On and off again with  the photo up loading is not helping with continuity.














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