Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Watered, moved another plant

We are supposed to get into the 80's this week. Triple digits in the desert which we are not far from and that is not good for the cauliflower. Weather app says 73 but in the sun, it feels a lot warmer.

Still not much going on in the garden, I watered last night and the soil surface in the raised bed was dry but still very wet underneath. The two tomatillos do not look good and the larger cauliflower is looking a bit loose. I had to tie it up again because one of the short leaves had popped out on the left.

Still not close to full size on it so I want to wait as long as possible but the weather may force an early cutting.

 It seems tomatillos are not liking the full blasting sun. All of them are yellowing except the one I transplanted to the south bed that gets partial shade. I decided to plant the next tallest one still in a container in the south bed and also sprinkled some cilantro seed along the shade line behind them and then a few behind the cilantro in the west bed. Didn't bother watering but may go back and sprinkle tonight.

The peppers and tomatoes are finally getting some size. Still too small to put in the raised bed as I don't trust those pernicious little invertebrates and mollusks.  Maybe another week or so and will put a couple of the peppers out. Still saving the trellis for at least one tomato as I remember the chore it was to try and reach the other side so it'll have to be to the left side again. 


I was going to pull that cilantro out but then saw an actual bee and then a white butterfly in the vicinity. I also noticed that plant is more yellow green than the one by the compost that's more blue green. I got a closer look at that one and it may well be mildew on the leaves. I didn't bother using any leaves from that when I needed some cilantro. Hopefully the seeds I just planted will come up and at least grow a bit for me to use later.

I decided last night to toss the compost around a bit, there were a number of earwigs, a few worms and some darkling beetles. All good in the compost of course but don't want the earwigs near my plants. They love flowers. I emptied the one bucket but it was such a chore to get it all back in I only dumped part of the second one. Compost on the bottom was really compacted so kind of hard to do anything. I really need a tarp or larger container and then....... I saw the crate I'm not using. It's got slots and holes just big enough for aeration and sifting. Will consider that tomorrow or this evening, it would certainly help sifting for sure.

Pictures seem to be uploading just fine today thankfully. Sorry for the poor quality of this photo though, took it on my ipad through our exceedingly dirty window screen of the big pepper tree that may not be there tomorrow. I was told by the manager they'll be 'trimming' them but someone else talked to 'Mike' who said they'll be taking both trees down. I hope not. That big euc is home to the hawks and if they keep that trash tree I'll be a bit put out. 

They were doing prep work for the pepper tree taking out the perpendicular fence just to the right of the tree and used a weed whacker to take down the weeds in that mostly empty lot. It's going to be noisy tomorrow and Thursday. Poor Rocky. We'll be home tomorrow but Thursday have to leave early for last day of school shuttle.

Yay for pictures loading and last week of school. Boo for the warm weather that is days away.

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