Saturday, October 12, 2024

Weather peak again and no sign of Manny

 Weather has been in the high 80's for the past week for at least three days in  a row so we close up around noon and last night couldn't open up until after dark. 

Beautiful blue skies make for great pictures behind the green and salmon red fall colors. At least for San Diego. I had light blocking eye covers on due to having an eye appointment earlier in the day and couldn't tell if the blue was that intense or not. Looks like it was that intense.

It was a pepper fail year it seems. I decided to pull out the poblano and fish peppers. Neither of them had fruit that was getting to size and judging by the roots on the fish pepper, that's why. As soon as it cools down a bit more I'll be cutting down the tomatoes and pulling those. Although, I'm tempted to leave the plant on the left in because it is putting out some new growth at the base. I remember what happened last time I let a tomato winter over though.
 So this is the way I had to water the other day, filling up the bucket and dumping it in the west and raised bed. The raised bed was bone dry down about an inch even after watering with the hose for five minutes.
 That is dry soil that I discovered as I was trying to mix things up after water bucket treatment. Then, yesterday when I went out to check on things and wanted to water...... another two feet cut off the hose. It doesn't make a difference to her because all her plants are within reach of the hose, even Layla can use it. But I'm left high and dry.

I have enough money to spare for a $20 pocket hose that no one else will use and an extra $10 for a sprayer since my other one is cracked and leaks. I'll just unhook the other hose and put mine on, then depressurize and tuck it in the electrical closet in the litter bucket I'm not using. 

Getting more soil is the next step. I do have the compost and I'm sure that will work fine in the ground beds but there's not nearly enough for putting in the raised bed. IF I have a spare 20 after the rest of the bills are paid, I'll go get a bag or two.

 I haven't seen Manny for six days. I am only anxious about him because I need to cut down the plants and clear out that west bed. I only cut the very tallest and lanky branches off and he usually hangs around knee level where there's more cover. I played it safe though and tossed the cuttings behind the bed just in case. Will keep checking and wish there was a way of using UV light or something at night to find him. I decided to put him in the trumpet vines  because those don't get bothered, have plenty of hiding areas and hopefully enough ants and other bugs for him to eat. better camouflage too.

Still no progress on blogger upgrade or even a message from them. Kind of figured that but was hopeful.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Might as well try and post

 The weather is warming up, multiple days in a row of high 80's and low 90's. With a few degrees of difference daytime temps will be that way for this whole week. Luckily the nighttime dips down by about 40 degrees so the heat of the day isn't as oppressive when we button up in the morning.

Okay so roundabout way of getting photos paired up is ridiculous. I just tried to do a reverse of what I've done before and it worked. Still no word from blogger about what happened. Harsh afternoon sun and the rambling, dying tomatillos in the evening. The blue catch bucket broke finally so nothing to water the far beds with other than hose spray from six feet.

And formatting all gone. Can barely see him but Manny is still hanging around, the left picture is from day before yesterday. I found him again last night and scouted the area for the best place to move him. Top contenders are the jade bush at the entrance to the garden or the trumpet vines on the pergola. Another contender is the asparagus fern that's in bloom and sure to bring plenty of meals on wings for him.

Something snacked on a tomato, most likely a bird from the damage. The two vines are basically done for the season anyway, one of the branches bent over again so it's time to pull them as soon as the remaining fruit are done.

The peppers are still doing okay, the poblano has two more fruit coming in but the oldest one still hasn't grown much, a third of the size it should be. The two fish peppers likely won't be getting very big anymore either and the onions are the only thing left that still need to stay in the ground and grow.

I did see that there are onions and cilantro coming up in the south bed though. I have to water very very carefully so as not to smash the onions as they come up. Which I would need a mister for and don't have. No new hose as yet, so finger on the hose is all I can do. Did I mention how I hate it when people ignore my advice? Might have to go get the hose from downstairs again and slog it over there to water.

The entirety of my tomatillo harvest so far. Nothing even as big as a ping pong ball but I'm only picking them when they come off easily from the plant and are dark purple. I am dreading what that salsa is going to look like but according to a lot of the photos, they keep the purple color. Will post photos when that happens. 

That's all for today, not much else to do or say, sitting inside due to the heat and won't get out until sunset to check on things.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

First of October and weather is miserable.

 93 today and close to that tomorrow. What is it with the weather? Is it my location? Global warming most likely, it was never this warm that I remember when I was little. 









 I was very busy on Sunday and never got out in the evening to water. I didn't get a chance to go out and water until the evening on Monday...that was close to disastrous for the garden. Everything was wilted and of course, using a shortened hose it was hard to really water well but I used to drip bucket and the hose to get the seed bed and the raised bed enough water.

Everything looked good this morning thankfully the tomatillos are suffering but a large one and small one came off in my hand as I looked at them! So it's a start and I may not get a full crop out of them but this was a learning experience with a new veggie. Lesson learned, will plant green ones next year all in the west bed. Hopefully.

There was a red bougainvillea in that corner. The one that the birds liked to perch in, Rocky would scamper up the leaning trunk to try and catch them or lizards. Well apparently someone in charge thought it was dying and needed to be taken down. Good thing is, they left a stump and it will be a bush soon enough. The parrot flock decided to stop by for the night two days ago, I think they enjoy having open branches at the tops of the trees thanks to the caterpillars. They usually 'prune' leaves off branches in the sycamores when they roost for the night. There's at least a dozen or more just in that tree and double that in the other trees. Wonderful raucous sounds.

Not much else going on so far, the air is rather hazy and stuffy but once the sun goes down the temperature plummets so we get great relief at night. Going to be busy shopping and stuff this week back to sort of usual next week.


Weather peak again and no sign of Manny

 Weather has been in the high 80's for the past week for at least three days in  a row so we close up around noon and last night couldn&...