Weather continues to be awesome during the day. Warm enough for shorts and t-shirt, cool enough in the evening to still need an extra blanket on the bed. Supposed to get very warm from now until mid next week, actually got rather warm inside yesterday at least in the kitchen it got to 80 and we didn't even run the oven.
I'm putting my pepper seedlings in the window for sun but have to take them back to the corner around 2 or 3 or they wilt from the heat. As soon as I get the tomatoes planted out I'll pop those into the cups using something from the garden for dirt.
The Tiffany rose is smelling fabulous! I was tempted to cut that one but then decided to let others enjoy the flowers as well. I trimmed one stem of the yellow irises and two more of the Watsonia to add to my flower collection in the kitchen.Those are plentiful and a few won't be missed. Rocky sniffed them thinking they were something to eat but apparently it wasn't so he just passed on them. Thankfully.
I showed off my onions in a garden group on FB then realized it was a group in Michigan, oh well. Because I've been posting on the local groups so much I'm getting garden group posts from all over so am deleting them as they come up.
So I had my hands full of things when I got down to the garden, trying to juggle my phone, nozzle gloves and clippers and as I was stuffing my gloves in my pocket it dawned on me. I'm wearing carpenter shorts!!! Pockets everywhere! Clippers went in the bottom right pocket, gloves in the pocket above, nozzle fit perfectly in the hammer loop. Ladies and gents, these are the shorts you are looking to wear for gardening!
The cilantro is taller than the peas! The lettuce is growing faster than the tomato so that might be finished before I have to worry about moving it. Kind of concerned now at how close the two other tomatoes are, given how big they might get.
I watered everything, that south bed still needs more compost to fix
that dirt. The onions are doing good but the soil is very
compacted and more clay than compost. Things survive there but not necessarily thrive. There's really no summer vegetables that do well in part shade so I might have to use that sporadically and maybe for herbs like basil, cilantro, maybe chives.
Another handful of cilantro harvested from the bottoms of the stalks. I think next time I'll plant half as many plants and do it in the ground so if it reseeds it will be okay. I tossed the compost again since I had a full scrap bucket from the kitchen. I didn't take a picture, was moving too fast but I dumped out half the compost, put the scraps in, which were zucchini ends, potato peels, coffee, maybe some onion bits and lettuce, then added the compost back in. Good combination, the compost continues to smell like dirt and I could really use a sifter to get the actual compost out and leave the stuff that isn't broken down yet. Kind of heavy too but that's okay, it's a good sign. It also continues to not be soggy but still moist, no fruit flies evident and I'm sure the worms are still in there but not sure about the beetle.
I saw someone giving away free bearded irises but 40 minutes away from me. Not going to spend gas on going that far unfortunately.
I am watering Layla's plants as needed, just so much want to fix her beds but not without giving her better soil which isn't going to happen, I can barely afford what I need for my gardens. Things will happen when they happen and not any minute sooner.
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